Monday, March 18, 2013

right then

labyrinths... on a IOS platform? Sure why not. I don't know how I'd be able to leverage stencyl to make a "3d monster maze"

Could leverage it to make a ".flow" or "Yume Nikki" top down style labyrinth..but then controls become an issue. a touchpad joystick costs a fair bit of screen space. I could make the view point a square then...that's more like zelda then. hmm.. not sure I want a twitch based game. But how would I do turn based? I'd have to create AI that can work with a grid. Not really something I know how to do either.. so no monsters? so whats the game mechanic? Do I care about the mechanics? not so much...but my grades arn't good enough to declare that I'm scratching challenges out of my game at this point. I'd rather put my time into artwork but there's no time for that. I should go for a extremely low pixel count this time. 9 colors? three sets of a single base with highlight and shadow? could do that. I'm gonna fail this class arn't I? Yep. Ok so labyrinths...lets see.. could "Clocktower" from the nes count as a labyrinth? that was a point'n click horror game in a mansion. What about "Sweet Home" from the nes? rpg? huh...that's gonna be really complicated. I guess "Sweet home" would be easier to recreate in some fashion. Wait why am I focused on the horror aspect? Cause you have to face your fears in a labyrinth. also you're tired and depressed and going to fail and horror just breeds from that. Oh ok...Lets go for horror then. well wait we actually know a thing or two about horror. We won't be able to scare anyone. why? because real horror is about time aka something that we won't have. we can dress it up fancy. we can make the environments and creatures disturbing to view...but can we really scare? we can startle. oh? why did you think I mentioned "3d monster maze" 1st? "rex has spotted you" oh crap oh crap. run away! except that there's all there is to you really have time for something bigger than that? I don't know yet. unlikely...this sucks. I have things that can inspire my design but I really don't think I'll be able to pull off anything of note. I'm already having the detailed images flow in and out of aether and none of them will come close to what this limited timeframe can house. on the road to failure again. Huh? gonna have a great idea and its not gonna get done and you'll bite your inner lip till it bleeds again. possible. But I'll make it work somehow.

Right then.
-top down horror game with joystick control scheme. square map display until otherwise noted. if I'm really lucky I'd make a point and click but that's not likely to be pulled off. at least I won't have to deal with stencyl and its "physics" if I can get away with it.
for those who don't know some of the games I mentioned above in my manifested mental dialog. 

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