Wednesday, February 6, 2013

board game design Part 1

So I had an idea to create an ode to a old gameboy game called "Survival Kids"
I admit that I've never actually played the game. But the Nintendo power preview of it stuck with me.

I think I prefer the concept than the execution now. The game boils down to a pre-mapped item collection game and I believe does not contain an element of luck. (the only challenge is the resource time limit imposed upon the player) That's why I was planning on creating a card strategy game. I was thinking of using some visual odes to the gameboy's early graphics (crunchy sprite work and a overall green tone to the cards) and the premise of item collection while fleshing it out with more in depth resource mechanics (for example protecting food stores and raft components from bad weather). I still may choose to come back to this concept but right now I'm already too swamped with work to balance an entire deck game...Not when I already have another game that's had two iterations already. Potential Ipad game?

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