Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Platformer - Character design

Alright so I Don't have a full sprite sheet. But I thought I would go a little bit into detail about the designing of this Cyber warrior.

 She's still in a rough format. I like to layer and jam a lot of textures into my pixel designs to create volume and interesting shapes before going back and cleaning the character up. This piece is also my reference sprite. the rest will be lined 1st then built up using a smaller palette of colors. 

So one of my goals is to have a female character who is well dressed for the field. The other was that the character must in the end be able to dash through the combat and feel in control of the situation. For that I decided to keep her in full plate armor but not have it be overly bulky. Her weapon also needed to be large enough to feel like it had weight behind the blows. In the future I want to create a glitching red/blue shift to her movement when she dashes. 

The desire for speed comes from an earlier platformer game where the goal was to develop a sense of speed and control over movement. 

This game featured the ability to grab ledges and a slide at the end of the run that carries the momentum of the motion. The character would also slide/shift when she changed directions. Sadly the sprite was never finished to a premature closure of the project. I hope however to transfer these elements to the new character.

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